We just released our brand new version 1.21.0 of the ISPProtect malware scanner.
It includes some new heuristics and updated signatures, but the main improvement is the possibility of sending mails through smtp instead of the internal PHP mail() function.
You can now define a smtp config file like this:
[ispprotect-smtp] use_smtp = yes smtp_host = mail.yourdomain.com smtp_port = 465 smtp_user = yoursmtpusername smtp_pass = yoursmtppassword smtp_crypt = ssl
On a non-ssl server you will remove the smtp_crypt line from the config file or comment it out like
;smtp_crypt = ssl
and change the port to 25 or 587 depending on your server settings.
Instead of ssl you can use tls (which means STARTTLS).
After you defined this file you can use it with ISPProtect by adding --use-smtp=/path/to/conffile.
This is especially useful if you have no mail server on the local machine that does the scanning but you still want to receive email reports of the scan results.
Marius Burkard has been working as a software developer for 20 years and has several years of experience as a server administrator. As one of the lead developers of the ISPConfig control panel and technical contact for several hundred web hosting customers, he has extensive experience with malware, hacked websites and the analysis of vulnerabilities.