Today we released our new ISPProtect service. Now you can scan your web space via FTP. This service targets web hosting customers that don't have SSH access to their website and cannot run our downloadable version of ISPProtect.
All data entered in the webscan form is sent encrypted via https. FTP passwords are not permanently stored on our servers, they are deleted as soon as the scan starts. We do not store any of the scanned web files on our servers.
Regardless of these security measures, we encourage all users to change the FTP password to a temporary one, when using our web scan service via FTP.
Scans via FTP are limited to a total amount of 50,000 files per website. If you need to scan more files or don't want to use FTP, please use our downloadable ISPProtect Malware Scanner.
See the web scanner in action:

Marius Burkard has been working as a software developer for 20 years and has several years of experience as a server administrator. As one of the lead developers of the ISPConfig control panel and technical contact for several hundred web hosting customers, he has extensive experience with malware, hacked websites and the analysis of vulnerabilities.